Customer acquisition and CRO

How to capture students' spend with product samples

Written by
Izzy Hall
Published on
April 3, 2024
Last updated
May 9, 2024

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In 60 seconds… 

  • Gen Z aren’t just the next generation of shoppers, they’re the influencers and brand ambassadors of the future. 
  • Product sampling holds a unique position within the marketing landscape: it’s not perceived as invasive in people’s lives or disruptive to the content they choose to consume.
  • Product sampling allows brands to capture Gen Z’s attention and cultivate lasting relationships.

In an era where over 4,000 ads bombard us daily, the battleground for attention has become relentless. We're trading on impressions, but do we truly understand the real value of ads? As digital advertising surpasses TV worldwide and online video takes the lead, the challenge is clear - audience attention is no longer a guarantee. It's something to be earned.

To ensure your brand's survival, connecting with younger generations is imperative. However, navigating the ever-changing digital landscape presents a challenge. So, what if you ventured beyond simply appearing on their phones, so easily swiped away, and instead, explored the realm of experiential marketing

In this blog, we’ll be hearing from Naomi Low, Community Manager  at Dig In, a nationwide sampling company and partners of Pion’s upcoming YMS event in London.  We’ll be discussing the challenges brands face when capturing the attention of Gen Z in an oversaturated market, as well as highlighting the power of sample marketing when engaging Gen Z. 

How to capture students' spend with product samples

Gen Z aren’t just the next generation of shoppers, they’re the influencers and brand ambassadors of the future. As digital natives, one might assume that digital ads are the go-to method for effectively reaching this demographic…

Think again.

Gen Z is actually the most opposed to online ads of any generation, with 99% skipping them as fast as possible, and 63% resorting to ad blockers.

Gen Zers are constantly bombarded by ads that disrupt their time and space. Consequently, they want authentic testimonials and the prerogative to make decisions on their own, without being constantly “influenced”.

So, why product sampling?

Six in 10 Gen Z consumers said simply liking a sample is one of their top three motivators for buying the product. 

Product sampling holds a unique position within the marketing landscape that’s not perceived as invasive in people’s lives or disruptive to the content they choose to consume. It gives this younger generation a stronger sense of control in what to choose to do with this targeted marketing - a choice they are generally not afforded.

The undeniable appeal of product sampling lies in its ability to create tangible connections, allowing brands to break through the digital noise and genuinely engage with Gen Z. By strategically deploying product sampling, brands can capture attention and cultivate lasting relationships with this influential demographic. In fact, our survey revealed that more than 87% of UK students would be more likely to buy from a brand after receiving merch. 

So, why not employ this strategy during one of the most influential periods for young people: when they've just left home, started university, and entered the consumer market for the first time?! 

Dig In’s unique approach: Your ally in Gen Z marketing

At Dig In, our top priority is understanding what students want. We pride ourselves in our authentic connection with students across the country, cutting through the noise by actively platforming conversations that matter to them.

Connecting with students this back to school season

With exclusive access to university halls, and connecting with over 530,000 new students annually, Dig In's approach has been tailored and perfected for the student experience. Our welcome boxes and hall drops create a unique experiential moment and an opportunity to forge lasting connections with these first-time buyers.

Our tailored campaigns, powered by quantitative and qualitative data from our bespoke student app, ensure your brand resonates authentically. We offer more than just marketing; we provide consultancy, sampling, and market research all in one.

Some final thoughts…

As the attention economy intensifies, brands must evolve to stay relevant, especially with a younger community like Gen Z. The evidence is clear - experiential marketing with samples works, and Dig In offers the optimal window to most effectively execute this strategy.

We invite brands to collaborate with us, not as advertisers but as partners in engaging Gen Z authentically.

 With Dig In, you're not just navigating the attention economy, you're conquering it. Get in touch with Dig In today! You can also catch the team at this year’s YMS event, coming to London this June.

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