Predicting the future of Gen Z food & drink trends

March 26, 2024 1:00 PM

Welcome to your definitive guide to all things food, drink and Gen Z.

As marketers wanting to capture the attention and spend of this young generation in the food and drink space, you’ll need to understand their dining habits and what influences their decisions. And that’s where we come in… 

In this exclusive focus group, you’ll hear from our panel of passionte Gen Zers, who’ll be discussing their favourite food and drink destinations, exploring the trends influencing their spending and sharing what they really want from their drinking and dining experiences. 

In this focus group, you can expect… 

🍔 The trends impacting dining habits. How is the online world influencing Gen Z’s decisions when it comes to eating out and what role do online reviews play? 

💡 Brand-specific call outs. Hear from our panel as they share their thoughts and feelings on leading coffee shops, pubs, restaurants, and more. 

📱 The technological food revolution. How do young people feel about the integration of technology when it comes to their dining experiences, and what apps are catching their attention? 

💸 The rising cost of living. Does price impact their decision making and what impact does a student discount have? 

♻️ Sustainable and ethical practices.  Gen Z may be the most planet-friendly generation yet, but what about when it comes to food and drink?