Unlock Gen Z’s appetite for your food & drink brand

Capture the hearts and taste buds of this key generation with Pion's data-driven food and drink strategies.

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Want to know more about the Gen Z demographic?

Look no further, we’ve handpicked a selection of resources and stats just for you, to help you get Gen Z through the door and into your store.

Top 3
Food & Drink is one of Gen Z’s top 3 favourite categories
of Gen Z say visiting coffee shops is one of their favourite hobbies and interests

Pricing is very important to me. It needs to sit within a certain budget of the friends that I’ll be going with. Although the menu matters just as much as the price does. It also depends on the discount that they’re offering whether or not I go to a place.

Munisha, University Student

Handpicked resources for you

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KFC linked their student discount to their app, so student users could unlock exclusive savings and offers

Students have been spending $3+ million annually via the KFC student program, and it’s continuing to grow year on year.

“Our student program has shown us just how much students love KFC. Now we can measure, track and grow our student sales” – Marketing Manager, KFC

Sign up today

We can help establish your brand as a preferred choice for Gen Z students, aligning with their values and preferences.

We’re partners to global leading brands

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Predicting the future of Gen Z food & drink trends

Dive into Gen Z's perception of Food & Drink brands. This is an extremely small group session and a complimentary one hour Gen Z focus group.

Watch now

Want to see how Gregg’s boosted Gen Z in-store footfall?

Check it out