How to drive Gen Z in store brand loyalty with student discounts

September 11, 2024 4:00 PM

A mighty 64% of Gen Z prefer to shop in-store.

That’s a lot of potential customers. 

But with the resurgence of IRL comes stiff competition, and you can’t afford to give your potential customers a reason to go next door. 

In this exclusive webinar we’re partnering up with the team at Eagle Eye, a customer loyalty platform, to dive deep into the world of Gen Z,  in store shopping, and the benefits of brand loyalty.

With golden nuggets of research, an expert panel and actionable takeaways, you’ll soon be capturing the hearts, spend, and loyalty of young shoppers. 

We’ll cover:

  • Gen Z’s shopping habits. From in-store to online, what’s impacting their spending?
  • How to drive repeat purchases. Looking at why brand loyalty is important and how you can tap into the purchasing power of Gen Z.
  • The secret to a successful loyalty program. From free shipping to % off, we look at what this generation wants to see.
  • Overcoming your pain points. Addressing your biggest challenges when it comes to driving in-store loyalty and providing the need-to-know solutions. 
  • Predicting the future. What does the future of retail look like and how can you drive repeat purchases?
  • The impact of the rising cost-of-living. Is lifelong loyalty a thing of the past in a world plagued by high inflation? 
  • Case studies. Highlighting the brands leading the way.