Live & Direct: 2024 Youth Trends

June 25, 2024 4:00 PM

Session Overview:

Over the past 7 years, Pion’s Youth Trends Report has become the industry go-to guide into what’s happening in the lives of young people today.

As a brand, it’s your duty to ensure you stay on top of the trends affecting the lives of Gen Z, so you can authentically engage with this cohort.

In this virtual session, we’ll be covering some of the incredible topics discussed in 2024’s Youth Trends Report.

We’ll be asking hard-hitting questions and sharing insights from industry experts and Gen Zers themselves.


Some of the data might shock you. Some of it might surprise you. 

Here’s what you can expect…

  1. As the most technologically fluent generation yet, how are Gen Z interacting with AI? Is it anxiety vs efficiency – or a combination of both?
  2. What is the future of human relationships in a world filled with virtual influencers, human-to-robot interactions and conversations fuelled by ChatGPT?
  3. How is the cost-of-living crisis impacting financial literacy?
  4. Gen Z are racking up credit card debt quicker than you can say Buy Now Pay Later, but are they aware of the risks?
  5. Why is nostalgia becoming such a powerful driving force in the lives of young people? And what connection does it have with the mental health of young people?
  6. Experiences are holding strong for young consumers – how much is the promise of a once-in-a-lifetime memory exceeding other factors like cost?
  7. And finally: are Gen Z as woke as we think they are? Are they the masterminds behind cancel culture, or are they fed up with this assumption?

Sign up today to secure your spot.